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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

How true it is!!

Out of Time Magazine

Although this "map" is meant to be funny, it is, in deed,  a very real and a very sad commentary on the world in which we live today.
It is also incomplete, since in front of the words "foreigners" there should be the definition: "damn" or similar.
Only Penguins remain unscathed from the almost always negative opinion we have of each other.
This is particularly so in Europe, where almost nobody likes their immediate neighbour. ( Nor, come to think of it, their distant ones.) 
This, I am certain, is the underlying reason why the so-called European Union cannot get its act together.
I shall refrain from detailed comments and explanations, since everybody, if honestly searching, will have their own tale to tell.

has met people on three continents and reluctantly had to come to the following conclusion:
People don't like people!
The French really do not like the Germans.. ( and vice versa )
Austrians have little respect for Slovenians. ( and vice versa )
The Ndebele have little good to say about the Bantu.
In Rwanda, the Hutus killed almost a million Tutsis. (Or was it the other way around?)
Xenophobia reigns supreme right into the smallest detail.
Observe the soccer fans when Graz plays against Salzburg. The outright hatred is palatable., and they are not even of different countries.

Calling this map a sad commentary on the world in which we live today, in no way implies that this was a better world in the past. Quite the contrary. We have always killed each other for a variety of reasons. Reasons, real or imagined. 
The worst brutalities always were committed under the mantle of Religion and/or race.. During the 30 years war, when France, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Austria and numerous Principalities of today's Germany fought against each other. 
Roman Catholics versus Protestants, causing an estimated 8 million victims.
WW1 caused 17 million dead and 20 million wounded.
This is a small number of victims when compared to WW2 which demanded 57 Million dead.
Mostly because Germany's leadership considered everybody living east of them as racially inferior and not worthy of occupying space.

So, have another look at the above shown map and think about it.


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