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Monday, April 16, 2018

The Elephant and the Painted Dogs

The morning starts to warm up nicely and we are taking off our Safari Jackets.
The breeze, coupled with the slow speed of our Cruiser is pleasant on my face.
There is a bend in the sandy road and what we see is almost beyond belief.
A pack of Painted Dogs are actually harassing an Elephant. They lunge at him and as he makes a few quick steps toward them, they back off. There is no barking. More like a little yelping. The Ele charges, the dogs back off... Finally they leave the road. We follow them and catch up at a little pond, where the dogs lounge in the sand.
I cannot believe it: Ant slowly gets out of the vehicle and motions me to come along. I think, well if Ant can do it, so can I.
I leave the Cruiser and sit in the sand, not more than 3 meters from the nearest dog. He /she looks at me with dark brown eyes. I take picture after picture in quick succession. The dog is totally relaxed and slowly my heart calms down and I can no longer hear its pounding.
This is getting close to nature. The Dog and I.
Ant assures me that there has never been a case of a Painted Dog attacking a human:
Now he tells me.

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